Updated Rifbot for new edition of Olders Online, re-download
Enter Training Room walker code:
lua: local pos = Self.getPositionFromDirection(7) Map.UseItem(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1648, 1, 0)
wait: 500
step: n
Leave Training Room:
lua: local pos = Self.getPositionFromDirection(2) Map.UseItem(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1648, 1, 0)wait: 500
step: s
step: se
ReplyDeleteaction "ladder" is not working on walker
ReplyDeleteI tested now and works with standard ladder on RookGaard. Try go walker -> settings -> Ladder ID and add new Id
DeletePlease add to oldura 7.4
ReplyDeleteHello bro I need to know how to put the monsters that have the least life in target priority
Use this lua script:
Remember to type HP_TYPE = 1
Ascer, zamierzasz w przyszłości rozbudować targeting? np dodać opcje lurowania lub np atakowania moba z najmniejsza ilosćia hp?
DeleteLurowanie już jest dawno:
Atakowanie z najmniejszą ilością HP też:
Dzięki wielkie, nie wiedziałem o tym : )
Deleteyou pretend to update for retrotales.online? good server with a lot of players
ReplyDeletework on oldesta.com?
ReplyDeleteNope here is list where bot works:
will make a version for valdora?
ReplyDeleteSiema, dałbyś radę zrobić scrypt który wywołuje alarm jeśli na ekranie znajdzie się common cursed chest, epic cursed chest itp? Próbowałem to zrobić z skryptem "items on screen" ale nie działa - być może dlatego, że ID common cursed chesta to np. "1073845001" więc być może za długie?
DeleteMożesz użyć tego scriptu, lekko przerób:
will be able to Valdra?
ReplyDeletedone, re-download bot
Deletepobralem ponownie i wyskakuje, ze jest nieaktualny dla medivia.exe XD
DeleteUruchom bota jako admin używając Rifbot.exe, jak nie pomoże to wyłącz ochronę w czasie rzeczywistem z windows Defendera.
Deletecould you please update treasura?
DeleteWork on nostalther?
ReplyDeleteYes it works.
DeleteNostalther, Do you know if it will ban you if you use it, I mean send logs?
DeleteNo idea, you need to test on noob character.
DeleteUpdate Midhem please
ReplyDeleteTo many changes in last release of game client on Midhem + low population make this server not worth for suppoer right now while many other servers is great to play.
Deletehow to add custom id dead bodies?
ReplyDeleteNot possible, rifbot should try open all type of corpses even these bad added by admin. If this happen with specific ones mail me your character logged near spawn and i'll verify it.
DeleteHey friend, how are you? Would you have the script to enter the TPS and then exit in the OT Valdora? It’s similar to Olders, but the TP is on the left. I want it to make runes. If you have any LUA, that would be awesome. Good night and sorry for the bother.
ReplyDeleteTo exit training room use walker -> action -> step -> direction depend on teleport position on map, left means: w
DeleteEntering training room can be walker -> stand -> direction, here the best will be checking if character was teleported so (code related to main Valdora city):
enter trainers
stand: 1051, 883, 6
goto: trainers, distance(1051, 883, 6) < 8
Do u have a script where I can throw the rune on the house floor after make it? I looked up and you have a similar script that throws backpacks after finish
ReplyDeleteTry with this code:
use item with ground pliz!! lua
ReplyDeleteWith walker code it will be:
Deletelua: Self.UseItemWithGround(itemid, x, y, z, delay)
Will be availabe for epicretro.online?
ReplyDeleteJest jakis problem na treasurze. Nie chce wylogowac postaci ani ze skrypta ani z bota gdy skoncza sie blank runy albo soul
ReplyDeleteWrzucę jutro update bota bo zmieniło się proxy na treasurze po ostatnim upadate
Deletepossible update on carunia.com, or arkanum?
ReplyDeleteanyone else getting problem with bot on valdora? targeting is crashing tibia
ReplyDeleteSame problem here
DeleteGameclient update again x5 since since start. Should works now.
Deletepossible update on carunia.com
ReplyDeleteHi Ascer could you help us to support Classic Tibia 7.4 , classick74.online on this time? it will open tomorrow
ReplyDeletebędzie działał bot na carunia com? jest mnóstwo chętnych osób.
ReplyDeleteczesc. jak sie ustawialo kupowanie z trade? kiedys chyba widzialem w targetingu cos jak tradebuy ale nie widze tego
ReplyDeleteZ trade nie da się kupić w bocie, tylko z bezpośredniego pisania do npc.
Deleteplz add for https://classick74.online/
ReplyDeletegogo add classick74.online
ReplyDeleteIs this bot not yet avaliable for classick?
ReplyDeleteClassick has been removed from Rifbot long time ago due constant with with bot, no point for me to restore it back.
Deleteyou are our only hope Ascer, if you don't support us, no one else has a better bot than yours to do it, but if it is very difficult, we understand.
Deleteplease add classick 74
ReplyDeletePlease add carunia.com
ReplyDeletelast chance for classick74.online? xDDDDDDDD
ReplyDeleteUp date for carunia pliz